import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Class to test java.util.Formatter
* @author jkost
* @see java.util.Formatter
* @since JDK 1.5
public class FormatterTester extends TestCase {
private final SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
private Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
cal.setTime(sf.parse("07-01-2007 22:05:01"));
* Conversion characters for formatting dates.
public void testDateFormatter() {
// full day of week
assertEquals("Sunday", String.format("%tA", cal));
// abbreviated day of week
assertEquals("Sun", String.format("%ta", cal));
// full month name
assertEquals("January", String.format("%tB", cal));
// abbreviated month name
assertEquals("Jan", String.format("%tb", cal));
assertEquals("Jan", String.format("%th", cal));
// the century, 00 to 99, i.e. year divided by 100
assertEquals("20", String.format("%tC", cal));
// day of month, 2-digit format
assertEquals("07", String.format("%td", cal));
// day of month, 1-digit format, i.e. without leading zeros
assertEquals("7", String.format("%te", cal));
// Date formatted as "m/d/y" (short numeric form)
assertEquals("01/07/07", String.format("%tD", cal));
// ISO 8601 complete date formatted as "Y-m-d".
assertEquals("2007-01-07", String.format("%tF", cal));
// 3-digit day of year
assertEquals("007", String.format("%tj", cal));
// 2-digit, month of year
assertEquals("01", String.format("%tm", cal));
// no week of year; SUN needs to implement this
// assertEquals("01", String.format("%tw", cal));
// 4-digit year
assertEquals("2007", String.format("%tY", cal));
// last 2 digits of year
assertEquals("07", String.format("%ty", cal));
* Conversion characters for formatting times.
public void testTimeFormatter() {
// 24-hour of day, 2-digit format, 00-23
assertEquals("22", String.format("%tH", cal));
// 12-hour of day, 2-digit format, 00-12
assertEquals("10", String.format("%tI", cal));
// 24-hour of day, 1-digit format, 0-23
assertEquals("22", String.format("%tk", cal));
// 12-hour of day, 1-digit format, 0-12
assertEquals("10", String.format("%tl", cal));
// minutes, 2-digit format, 00-59
assertEquals("05", String.format("%tM", cal));
// seconds, 2-digit format, 00-59
assertEquals("01", String.format("%tS", cal));
// milliseconds, 3-digit format, 000-999
assertEquals("000", String.format("%tL", cal));
// nanoseconds, 9-digit format, 000000000 - 999999999
assertEquals("000000000", String.format("%tN", cal));
// am or pm
assertEquals("pm", String.format("%tp", cal));
// AM or PM
assertEquals("PM", String.format("%Tp", cal));
// RFC 822 style numeric time zone offset from GMT, e.g. -0800.
assertEquals("+0100", String.format("%tz", cal));
// the abbreviation for the time zone
assertEquals("CET", String.format("%tZ", cal));
// Seconds since the beginning of the epoch starting at 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC,
// i.e. Long.MIN_VALUE/1000 to Long.MAX_VALUE/1000.
assertEquals("1168203901", String.format("%ts", cal));
// Milliseconds since the beginning of the epoch starting at 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC,
// i.e. Long.MIN_VALUE to Long.MAX_VALUE.
assertEquals("1168203901000", String.format("%tQ", cal));
// Time formatted for the 24-hour clock as "%tH:%tM"
assertEquals("22:05", String.format("%tR", cal));
// Time formatted for the 24-hour clock as "HH:MM:SS".
assertEquals("22:05:01", String.format("%tT", cal));
// Time formatted for the 12-hour clock as "hh:mm:ss AM/PM"
assertEquals("10:05:01 PM", String.format("%tr", cal));
* Conversion characters for formatting date/time compositions.
public void testDateTimeFormatter() {
// Date and time formatted as e.g. "Sun Jul 20 16:17:00 EDT 1969".
assertEquals("Sun Jan 07 22:05:01 CET 2007", String.format("%tc", cal));
* Formats the value as either "true" or "false" (or "TRUE" or "FALSE", for %B).
* For boolean values, this works as expected.
* For all other values, any non-null value is "true", while null values are "false".
* %type
* type = b | B | s | S
public void testBooleanFormatter() {
final boolean flag = true;
// boolean
assertEquals("true", String.format("%b", flag));
// boolean
assertEquals("TRUE", String.format("%B", flag));
// as string
assertEquals("true", String.format("%s", flag));
assertEquals("TRUE", String.format("%S", flag));
assertEquals("false", String.format("%b", null));
assertEquals("true", String.format("%b", 1));
assertEquals("true", String.format("%b", 'a'));
* Formats the value supplied as a single character.
* Supplied value must be a Byte, Short, Character, or Integer.
* %[argument][width]type
* argument = <
* width = any positive integer value
* type = c | C | s | S
public void testCharacterFormatter() {
final char c = 'a';
// character
assertEquals("a", String.format("%c", c));
// character
assertEquals("A", String.format("%C", c));
// as string
assertEquals("a", String.format("%s", c));
assertEquals("A", String.format("%S", c));
* %[argument][flags][width]type
* argument = <
* flags = - | + | # | | ( | 0
* width = any positive integer value
* type = d | o | x | X | H | s
* Arguments must be Byte, Short, Integer, Long, or BigInteger.
public void testIntegerFormatter() {
final int intNumber = 7;
// base-10 integer
assertEquals("7", String.format("%d", intNumber));
// base-8 (octal) integer
assertEquals("16", String.format("%o", 2*intNumber)); // 2*7 = 14
// flag '#' indicates that formatted output should appear in alternate form.
// For %o, this means a leading 0.
assertEquals("07", String.format("%#o", intNumber));
// base-16 (hexadecimal) integer
assertEquals("e", String.format("%x", 2*intNumber)); // 2*7 = 14
assertEquals("E", String.format("%X", 2*intNumber)); // 2*7 = 14
// flag '#' indicates that formatted output should appear in alternate form.
// For %x and %X, output will include a leading 0x (0X).
assertEquals("0x7", String.format("%#x", intNumber));
assertEquals("0X7", String.format("%#X", intNumber));
// hexadecimal representation of the value's hashcode
assertEquals("e", String.format("%h", 2*intNumber)); // 2*7 = 14
assertEquals("E", String.format("%H", 2*intNumber)); // 2*7 = 14
// as string
assertEquals("7", String.format("%s", intNumber));
// width 3
assertEquals(" 7", String.format("%3d", intNumber));
// flag '-' means left justification
assertEquals("7 ", String.format("%-3d", intNumber));
// flag '+' indicates that numeric output should always include a sign (+ or -).
assertEquals("+7", String.format("%+d", intNumber));
// flag '(' indicates that negative numbers should appear in parentheses.
assertEquals("(7)", String.format("%(d", -intNumber));
// flag '0' indicates that numeric values should be padded on the left.
assertEquals("007", String.format("%03d", intNumber));
// flag ' ' (space) indicates that non-negative values should be prefixed with a space
// (for alignment with negative numbers).
assertEquals(" 7", String.format("% d", intNumber));
// flag '#' indicates that formatted output should appear in alternate form.
// For %s and %S, the flag is passed on to the object's formatTo( ) method.
// The # flag only works in conjunction with %s and %S if the argument
// implements java.util.Formattable.
assertEquals("7", String.format("%#s", intNumber));
// argument < indicates that the previous argument should be used (again),
// rather than continuing on
assertEquals("+7 7", String.format("%+d %
3d", , intNumber));
* %[argument][flags][width][.precision]type
* argument =
* flags = - | + | # | | ( | 0 | ,
* width = any positive integer value
* precision = any positive integer value
* type = f | a | g | G | e | E | h | H | s
* Arguments must be Float, Double, or BigDecimal.
public void testDoubleFormatter() {
final double doubleNumber = 7.0d;
// double/float number, 6 decimal digits by default
assertEquals("7.000000", String.format("%f", doubleNumber));
// double/float number, 5 max decimal digits
// precision is the total number of significant digits to be displayed
assertEquals("7.00000", String.format("%g", doubleNumber));
assertEquals("7.00000", String.format("%G", doubleNumber));
// exponential notation, default number of decimal digits 6
assertEquals("7.000000e+00", String.format("%e", doubleNumber));
assertEquals("7.000000E+00", String.format("%E", doubleNumber));
// exponential notation, using base-16 for the decimal part,
// and base-10 for the exponent part
assertEquals("0x1.cp2", String.format("%a", doubleNumber));
// hexadecimal representation of the value's hashcode
// precision determines the maximum characters output
assertEquals("401c0000", String.format("%h", doubleNumber));
assertEquals("401C0000", String.format("%H", doubleNumber));
// as string
// precision determines the maximum characters output
assertEquals("7.0", String.format("%s", doubleNumber));
// 2 decimal digits (precision = 2)
assertEquals("7.00", String.format("%.2f", doubleNumber));
// width 6, precision = 2 (2 decimal digits)
assertEquals(" 7.00", String.format("%6.2f", doubleNumber));
// flag '-' means left justification
assertEquals("7.00 ", String.format("%-6.2f", doubleNumber));
// flag '+' indicates that numeric output should always include a sign (+ or -).
assertEquals(" +7.00", String.format("%+6.2f", doubleNumber));
// flag '(' indicates that negative numbers should appear in parentheses.
assertEquals("(7.00)", String.format("%(.2f", -doubleNumber));
// flag '0' indicates that numeric values should be padded on the left.
assertEquals("007.00", String.format("%06.2f", doubleNumber));
// flag ',' indicates that the locale-specific grouping character
// should be used for numeric values.
assertEquals("7,00", String.format(new Locale("el"), "%,.2f", doubleNumber));
// flag ' ' (space) indicates that non-negative values should be prefixed with a space
// (for alignment with negative numbers).
assertEquals(" 7.00", String.format("% .2f", doubleNumber));
// argument < indicates that the previous argument should be used (again),
// rather than continuing on
assertEquals("7.00 7.0", String.format("%.2f %
3.1f", doubleNumber));
public void testIntegerNumberFormatter() {
final double intNumber = 7;
// another way to format integers
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
assertEquals("007", nf.format(intNumber));